
Felix Gebhard is a musician and photographer. Lives in Berlin. Was born in Hannover, Germany, mid-1970s. First camera at 15, first guitar at 16. “Learned” how to play the latter in a group called Shitlist. Was the main driver in the band Home Of The Lame for a long period, at the end of which he felt tired of writing music structured into songs. Has been making music not necessarily structured into songs ever since. Records and performs mostly solo, occasionally composes music for theater. Tours regularly as a hired hand in various positions, currently playing keyboards for Einstürzende Neubauten.

Felix Gebhard is the co-founder and an active member of the Church Of Elmore Bubbles.

Musik wird oft nicht schön gefunden, weil sie stets mit Geräusch verbunden.
Wilhelm Busch, 1874

Gaston Lagaffe, 1957